Sunday, December 14, 2008
Andilek - Anilek
Ja nyni zpytuji svedomi, protoze nase rodinka se take rozrosla - o Anicku. Petce a Simonovi se 4. rijna narodila Anicka a od te doby jsem ja stastnou tetickou. Byla jsem tak zabrana do sveho vsedniho pracovne-studijniho zivota, ze kdyz se mne nekdo zeptal na novinky, pomalu bych si ani nevzpomnela jake nove stesti v zivote mam. :)
Chtela jsem prilozit foto Andilka Anilka, ale radeji pockam az na souhlas rodicu. :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Suzuki Diaries
it has been a while since my last post. I am not about to update you on what's going on with my life... well I should mention this new term I made up "environ-mental" which is basically a result of my feelings among some Czechs when being openly envinromentaly friendly... this, of course, means the situation here is pretty sad.
BUT what I wanna share with you is THE SUZUKI DIARIES. Some of you may know the Suzuki family - they are world famous environmentalists from Canada. I discovered on that they are working on a TV series and have a blog on the web from they travels around Europe. It is definitely worth reading!!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Bear 66
I spent the summer of 2005 in the Canadian Rockies which was an unforgettable experience. In the course of my stay, I had the great luck of seeing a Grizzly bear mother called Bear 66 with her cubs. Unfortunately the story of these bears is quite sad. However, the story was probably what drew me to writing my M.A. thesis on bears in Canadian literature. During my research I came across this video, and so I thought you might want to see the beautiful cubs of Bear 66.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Tanya Tagaq - Inuk throat singer

Tanya Tagaq performed at the festival Colours of Ostrava three weeks ago. I must admit that this was the best performance the visitors to the festival could be honoured with. When I read a short bio and a description of Tanya’s music in the festival program I was very curious and eager to see and most of all hear her. The whole crowd was so amazed that during her performance the whole area in front of the stage went quiet (though it was packed) with admiration and then would burst out with applause after a song finished. I still have goose bumps when I think of it. It was obvious that Tanya Tagaq did not expect such warm and enthusiastic response and as one of the media described it, she left the stage in tears.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Mesic Autorskoho cteni / Month of Authors' Readings

Vazeni pratele,
rada bych Vas pozvala na literarni festival, ktery bude probihat v Brne od 1. do 31. cervence. V letsonim roce se Vam predstavi krome ceskych autoru, autori kanadsti. Je to velika cest pro nas privitat napr. Lee Maracle, Eden Robinson, pana Roberta Bringhursta a mnoho dalsich. Podrobne info najdete na strankach Mohu Vas ubezpecit, ze to bude nezapomenutelny zazitek!
Filmale 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Okenko Poezie
maj hlavy dutý a v nich hnůj
ke zkrášlení a užitku
(to je návrh můj)
mohli by nosit v hlavě kytku...
ptal jsem se starého zahradníka
jakou (- myslel jsem, že růže...)
zavrtěl hlavou: "žádná kytka
v takovým hnoji žít nemůže"
J. H . Krchovksý
Mladost - Radost
Friday, January 25, 2008
fotografie Jana Jedličky
Monday, January 21, 2008
Uskali hledani bydleni a zenskeho pohlavi
ehm... :D :D :D